SME! Do you Mark Down?!

SME! Do you Mark Down?!

This post is about SME a Simple Markdown Editor. Markdown to HTML. Markdown Previewer.


1 min read

Markdown is a lightweight markup language designed to be simple and easily readable by humans.
Writing and reading documents is a joy with Markdown's syntax, which is free of intrusive components.
I use it to take notes, write my apps content as well as my posts.

On the development road of Blog-Doc, I found that the actual Markdown editor/previewer could be replaced by a simpler one.
This is why I created SME, a Simple Markdown Editor.
I'll integrate SME in Blog-Doc as soon as I'll have enough time and energy.
Meanwhile, the online app will always be as is for the benefit of each and everyone needing a simple yet powerful Markdown editor!
I hope that you'll find it useful.
Comments, ideas and suggestions are most welcome on SME's GitHub repository.